February 2023 Group Consulting
Preview of the new Salveo Partners website and Paradigm Pioneer Portal.
We reviewed the new portal and solicited some feedback; we’ll be making changes based on what we heard from you. Additionally, Rosie provided a brief summary recap of a new book, Deliberate Calm: How to Learn and Lead in a Volatile World, that has a lot of applicability for the work you all do as Paradigm Pioneers. We then had breakout room discussions. Here are a few key takeaways to consider for your life and work:
- It’s critical to understand the difference between the Familiar and Adaptive Zone and know our zone.
- We need to be mindful of the Paradox of Adaptability in ourselves and others; this can help us operate with greater curiosity and empathy rather than frustration and judgment.
- Many of the core tools and skills we advocate for in our Developing a Leadership Mindset (DALM) program are hugely applicable here; at the core, we need to enhance self-awareness and work to reframe our narrative.
- Rest and recovery matter.
- Remember that this isn’t a solo journey; there are huge opportunities to partner with people to have a Fusion approach to both well-being and leader/team development.